In what ways is the Law of Attraction deceitful? – part two

The third: it teaches you to achieve your will which might not be the will of God. In the law of attraction, God takes the backseat and man is exalted above God. For example, many who belong to the Word of Faith movement will make such claims like: “God cannot do anything without your permission.” The Law of Attraction is a concept within the deceived church in which man uses God to get what he wants by applying Law of Attraction concepts and mantras. As a result, God becomes the servant and man the master. The Law of Attraction does not encourage submission to God’s will. Instead, it promotes human pride and the desire for man’s personal and self-achieved goals to take precedence over God’s will. The Law of Attraction, in its original and extreme form, submits to a different “god” in the form of the universe or “spiritual energy” or man himself. The Law of Attraction teachings, in their original and extreme form, do not require the true God, because man has replaced God. So, if man is capable of bringing all things into being, why does he still need God and why does he need to pray? So the primary goal of the Law of Attraction is for man to get what he wants rather than necessarily what God wants.

This concept appeals to our human nature’s fleshly desires. Many books that promote the Law of Attraction, such as The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, and others, encourage the pursuit of money as if it were a god, and that if you don’t have it, something is wrong with you. Life, according to Jesus, does not consist in an abundance of things (Luke 12:15). Jesus taught that our ultimate goal should be to seek God first and then the treasures that are above and not on earth (Matthew 6:19-21). The Bible has always taught that the pursuit and love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Furthermore, when we pray, we do not ask for our own desires to be fulfilled. Instead, we must pray for God’s will to be done, which the Word of Faith and Law of Attraction movements despise (Matthew 6:10; Luke 22:42; 1 John 5:14).
So the Law of Attraction and its goals have nothing to do with pursuing God’s will and heart, but rather with pursuing the deep desires of man’s will and wants.

The fourth: the Law of Attractions redefines words and terms. When words, terms, or phrases in the Scriptures are redefined from their original or intended meanings, it is clear that deception is taking place. The terms “faith” and “belief” have been redefined by both the New Age and Word of Faith movements. They’ve also redefined words like “prosperity” to align with the world’s definition rather than the Biblical definition. The Word of Faith movement has also twisted scriptures like Mark 11:24, Matthew 7:7-11, and Proverbs 18:21 to support the occult principles of the Law of Attraction. The Word of Faith movement defines faith as a “force” that can assist you in achieving your goals by speaking the “correct” or “positive” words. It is of no wonder that the movement is called ‘Word of Faith’. The movement’s emphasis is on their misapplication or misunderstanding of Biblical faith. The Word of Faith movement believes in their own faith rather than in the true God. They believe that if they summon enough “faith force” and speak “positive” words, God will have no choice but to do what they want Him to do. As a result, Word of Faith theology does not practically acknowledge God’s sovereignty, nor does it teach one to submit to God’s sovereign will. The deception of Word of Faith theology is that it can be used to control God and use Him to get what you want. The god of the Word of Faith movement, on the other hand, is a “god” who submits to man and has no sovereignty. The Word of Faith movement’s god is not the true God of the Bible. The concept of faith as a “force” in the Word of Faith is very similar to the view of many New Agers who apply faith to the universe as a force or spiritual energy. Biblical faith is the belief in what God says in His word, whether it appears to be “negative” or “positive.” Hearing and trusting in God’s word produces faith (Romans 10:17).

Law of Attraction believers, on the other hand, create their own reality of what is negative and what is positive. They construct their own reality of what is true and false. As a result, they have redefined what they mean by “positive” and “negative.” For example, in both the New Age and Word of Faith versions of the Law of Attraction, it is forbidden to affirm things that are true but negative.

For example, if you are sick, you are not permitted to admit your illness for fear of “attracting” sickness into your life. As a result, admitting the reality of your illness through your words is deemed “negative.”

If you don’t have money or are broke, you should not admit it verbally because you are “attracting” poverty into your life.

The Law of Attraction even governs one’s associations. So it is claimed that if one associates with a poor person, he may “attract” poverty into his life, but if he wants to be a millionaire, he must associate with rich people or like-minded people who are in pursuit of money. So, according to believers in the Law of Attraction and the Word of Faith, if a person dies from a disease, it is because he did not have or “attract” enough faith to be healed.

If a person is struggling financially, it is because he has been “attracting” poverty into his life or has not properly applied the Law of Attraction principles.

It is needless to say, that this creates more trauma in the individual who is made to believe that his reality is his or her fault.

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