In what ways is the Law of Attraction deceitful? – part three

The fifth: the law of attraction is deceitful, and teaches false promises and false prophecies. Naturally, no one wants to hear bad or negative news. However, just because information is negative does not mean it is not true. As a result, not everything that is true can be defined as “positive.”
The Biblical principle and outlook on how we should view life is to discern life in terms of True versus False rather than “negative” versus “positive.”
Viewing issues from the standpoint of what’s true and what’s false differs greatly from the standpoint of what’s “positive” and what’s “negative.”

In the book of Jeremiah, God charged the prophet Jeremiah with delivering bad or negative news to the Jews (Jeremiah 1:12-19). It was news of impending judgment and disaster for God’s people as a result of their sins. The bad news that God told Jeremiah to spread may have been bad, but it was true. Indeed, God warned Jeremiah that the people would rebel because of the news (Jeremiah 1:19).

So no amount of “positive confession” or positive thinking could alter God’s sovereign plans. Despite Jeremiah’s proclamation of judgment in accordance with the word of the Lord, some false prophets arose who preached something “positive” to counter the message given to Jeremiah by God. When peace was not on the way, the false prophets preached a “positive” message of “peace and prosperity” (Jeremiah 8:10-11). Their “positivity” message was false because it contradicted God’s specific plans or God’s specific word.

Jeremiah 23:16-17 says: Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. 17 They say continually to those who despise the word of the Lord, ‘It shall be well with you’; and to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, ‘No disaster shall come upon you.’”

Jeremiah is just one of many examples of God’s true prophets clashing with false prophets. In their attempt to redefine reality, the Word of Faith movement and proponents of the Law of Attraction make false promises and prophecies that contradict God’s sovereign plans and will.

The application of Law of Attraction principles and concepts is not for the pursuit of truth, but for personal gain. The Law of Attraction encourages the pursuit of man’s own self-ambitious desires rather than the pursuit of God. Many people who have tried to follow the Law of Attraction principles have had false hopes, false visions, and the consequences of believing false prophecies from the occult or the Word of Faith and NAR movement.

The Law of Attraction is popular because of its emphasis on health and wealth – a common objective of the prosperity gospel movementthe Word of Faith & NAR movement . It is similarly a common objective of many in the occult who subscribe to the teachings of the New Age movement.

The Law of Attraction concepts lead believers to believe that they can become exactly like God. The concepts deceive people into attempting to diminish God’s sovereignty and role in their lives.

Overall, the Law of Attraction pollutes the mind and distorts God’s true nature and character. It causes people to worship it. The Law of Attraction is a deception and a lie. Because of the Law of Attraction, man learns to exalt himself and his abilities to the point where he lacks humility and is clothed in narcissism and pride. He transforms into his own god.

God does not forbid us from thinking “positively” as long as it is in accordance with God’s truth and not with our own carnal will. Our every thought must be guided by God’s word and the desire to exalt Jesus Christ, not by man’s philosophies or the pursuit of personal worldly pleasures.

Unlike the Law of Attraction, our thoughts and meditations should eventually honor Jesus Christ. Finally, our way of thinking should reflect the character and nature of Jesus Christ. Our thinking should be in accordance with God’s written word. True Biblical thinking will always point us to Jesus Christ and living a life that is pleasing to God.

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