If grocery stores do not come up with a plan to stabilize food prices, Trudeau threatened them to levy new taxes

The global leaders are all for one and one for all for increasing taxes. According to them, ‘tax measures’ will always fix issues and problems.

First, last June, we had the French President Macron hinting at revamping the international taxation system to finance climate efforts with French economists giving a helping hand and pushing for a new national wealth tax to finance the fight against climate change.

Now, here comes the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, issuing a stern warning to grocery chains, threatening to levy new taxes if they do not rein in rising food prices. Trudeau has summoned the heads of the country’s five largest supermarket chains, which include Walmart and Costco, to develop a comprehensive strategy to combat the price increase before the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.

Excuse me, why doesn’t he admit that he was one of the many worldwide leaders who complied to the Covid-19 agenda, together with the planned onset of the Russia-Ukraine War, which coincidentally started the minute we were told that Covid-19 is on its exit roadmap, and this is why Canadians are suffering from the rising living costs?

Is taxation the solution to address growing concerns about rising living costs, and make Canadians believe that he is defending them while targeting grocery stores?

For the governments, taxation will always do it!

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