Global leaders and member states continue to turn against you – the WHO ‘pandemic prevention’ declaration signed

Despite the objections of eleven nations, which includes Russia, and despite critics calling this treaty ‘hypocritical’ because it seeks to create a global pandemic authority from the unelected WHO with the power to impose lockdowns, universal vaccination and censorship of so-called ‘disinformation, it was in particular the president of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to approve the non-binding UN declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR).

Well, I wasn’t surprised at all. The UN is the new Babylon and we are witnessing the rise of the eighth empire. What is written, has to be executed.

Please note that this declaration brings about the Pandemic Treaty, which, according to its supporters, is an important step toward global coordination on pandemic prevention and public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) says it “presents an opportunity… to prevent and prepare for pandemics and their consequences, using a framework that includes all government sectors.” According to the WHO, the PPPR aims to “implement lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic” and “comes as the world faces multiple humanitarian and climate-related crises that threaten lives and livelihoods around the world.”

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated in a statement, “If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that when health is at risk, everything is at risk.” He linked the PPPR to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), saying world leaders must “show that they have learned from the pandemic’s painful lessons.” Painful lessons? Well, with the lie of the pandemic of Covid-19, you have imposed lockdowns, masks and deadly vaccinations on the nations. Surely people are going through a lot of suffering.

Other experts held a different opinion. The Center for Security Policy’s founder and president, author and podcaster Frank Gaffney, told The Defender that it was “very concerning” that the UN and WHO would “essentially dictate what constitutes an emergency.”

“We can’t get around the fact that it will happen at the expense of the sovereignty of the various nations, who will then tell them they have an emergency and dictate what they have to do about it,” he added, emphasizing that “this is unprecedented.”

Dr. David Bell, a public health physician, biotechnology consultant, and former director of Global Health Technologies at the Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, wrote for the Brownstone Institute that the PPPR’s “main objective””is to support the “pandemic condition” and IHR amendments currently under negotiation by WHO member states.

According to Bell, there is a “procedure of silence, which means that states that do not respond will be considered supporters of the text.” He stated that the text is “clearly contradictory, sometimes misleading, and frequently meaningless,” and that it is intended to concentrate power in the WHO!

The PPPR policy statement’s final text includes statements and proposals on a wide range of topics, from vaccination to so-called “disinformation.”

“Pandemics require timely, urgent, and sustained leadership, global solidarity, increased international cooperation, and multilateral commitment… to implement coherent and robust national, regional, and global actions, guided by science… to strengthen prevention, preparedness, and response to the pandemic,” according to the declaration.

The declaration states that “health is a prerequisite for all” and is an indicator of “sustainable development.”

The statement expresses “deep concern” about declining global vaccination rates and pledges to support “research and development of vaccines and medicines, as well as preventive measures and treatments for communicable and non-communicable diseases.”

Makes COVID-19’s ‘temporary’ powers permanent: The statement expresses “concern about the continued emergence and re-emergence of epidemic-prone diseases,” as well as “the need… to build on lessons and best practices from the COVID-19 pandemic,” including “converting, where appropriate, temporary measures” developed during the pandemic “into permanent and sustainable measures.”

Increased surveillance calls for digital health documents such as vaccine passports: The declaration “recognizes… the potential of digital health technologies” in “implementing and supporting health measures and strengthening national response efforts” in pandemics and emergencies.

Possibility of social media censorship: The statement expresses “concern that health-related misinformation has adversely affected routine vaccination services worldwide.”

I have written and warned the readers about this pandemic three times last year. Was something done by the masses? In a recent blog, I have asked if your Maltese government and your MEPs will challenge this declaration and treaty, considering we have Dr Fearne in the same WHO.

Do you have your answers now?

In essence, through the WHO Pandemic Treaty, any state will be forced to obey the orders of an unelected ‘central agency’ and to impose any measure it deems ‘necessary’.

I am not here to give solutions. But, if you want my honest opinion, there is a plan, which will succeed. This does not mean that we sit back and watch. This means that we do not comply and if necessary, pass to internal democracy. Reaching out to your government or to your MEPs to help you, won’t do.

But I am not afraid or panicking at all. I have faith that God is resetting the world, a reset which it needed and any evil plan and evil agenda fomented, will, at one point, fall. All their house of cards will fall. History has also taught us this – that at any point in time, it had to be one individual or a group of individuals, to bring house of cards down. These will be God’s elected.

Article on the WHO website here.

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