Dr Nick Begich on mind control: ‘The easiest form of mind control is to give the population a sense of anxiety, worry, or fear’

“Now when you come home, most people go home, they watch television, they are tired, they are fatigued, they sit down, they are watching the television, their husband or wife is hollering ‘dinner is ready, dinner is ready’ and they are totally in trance, right? And you are. You are in this light, sort-of trance-like state. Well, then you add in the flicker rate and how you can tell there is a flicker rate whether it’s a coherent rhythmic signal? Just look at the white wall behind you when it’s playing and then you get an idea of that. But you can then run the flicker rate in such a way that within just very few seconds you actually are in a very suggestive state. The regular add, the overt advertising hits. You most people don’t have firm opinions on very much, so you can move a percent or two of the population in a certain direction. For political purposes you can see the ramifications to that pretty easily.

You remember during George Bush Junior’s first election where he got in trouble for using subliminals where he’s using words and democrats and he had the rats and stuff and then he got caught and he shut that down. Well, that’s regulated and creates a sort of controversy but the flicker rate, FFR, doesn’t do it.

And I want to mention that the easiest form of mind control, the easiest form, all you have to do is to give the population a sense of anxiety, worry, or fear. And as soon as you have that in a population you cannot reach your highest states of consciousness. It is impossible to reach your highest states of consciousness. So the easiest way of manipulation, the Baptist minister is known for years and the government is known even longer, and when you think about it, it’s pretty signal.

If you let go of the fear, then you can reach these higher states of consciousness where actually solutions can be developed and resolutions created. And I want to say a little bit more about that because I was alluding to it earlier when I was talking about how  many people sort of fall off the edge of this work. Usually, it’s, they begin to get fearful, they begin ending this alternate energy field, you see a lot of fear, a lot of anxiety. You’re done. As soon as you’re there, you’re done. You’re not going to be effective. You’re probably not going to achieve your objectives unless it’s strictly by mistake and the randomness of the odds, that is the adversary, and I think as we step into each thing that we do, we should only step in to what we know we can do: that first, the next thing reveals itself you know have a general direction, do what you know absolutely in your heart and in your mind you can accomplish, then do it with confidence, you’ll do fearlessly. And people have asked me ‘aren’t you afraid? Are you afraid?’ No, the answer is no. I never have been. And I think all of us have to start to think about that because the fact is if we’re in fear and anxiety, we cannot function in the way that we were designed as human beings to function.”

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