Alan Watt on the dangers of the New Age Philosophy: on what is reality

“Sure you could say quite confidently that most people were ‘unhappy’ because they were living in an ‘unnatural lifestyle’. They actually lived in a fixed type of economy in Britain and in other parts of Europe where it was so well perfected with the monied system and the governing system and through census taking. They knew what everybody earned pretty well on average. They knew how much you needed to live and pay rent and most people paid rent in those days, back in the 60s and 70s in Britain and in most parts of Europe. They knew how much it would cost to feed and keep a family of perhaps two at the most and the people just couldn’t get ahead at all. And credit was not thrown at them like the credit cards are thrown at people today. People scurried and worried about basic things, the necessities of life, not so long ago. That was their main worry, the ‘necessities’. Now they fret over things they want but don’t really need because they’ve been taught to reward themselves at the end of every month. That’s your reward for going through your boring life. Trained like animals you see.

Getting back to the question of ‘what is reality,’ ‘what should reality be,’ ‘what defines a reality.’ Before you can even start that journey, you truly have to reflect upon all of those things that’s happened in your own life, our own experiences and I mean critically. You can’t whitewash events in your own life where you haven’t been too proud of what you’ve done, said, whatever, because we affect everyone around us as we go through life. Everyone does. The odd little statement just stopping at a store in a hurry and not saying ‘hello’ one particular day to someone can have consequences upon them because maybe they needed that little hello that particular day; and yet we can’t go neurotically through life worrying about it all the time, but it’s amazing how many people we do affect on a daily basis.

This doesn’t mean we have to go through life and pamper people as well to keep the peace. The truth must always be said. Otherwise, someone is controlling someone else. And people shouldn’t be offended with differences of opinion and people should neither be dogmatic about it, either, because that’s down to a battle of wills then, of ego. People who have to be right rather than seek truth are not after the truth at all, obviously. The journey for personal meaning can be a long one and it’s ongoing and every time you come through one understanding you realize that there’s more to go. It’s like getting at the top of a mountain, only to see a higher one beyond it and sometimes you go into those valleys and you say ‘My God. Nothing is happening. I’m static. My mind isn’t working properly. Nothing is coming to me.’

Where in reality you’re dissecting all the knowledge you’ve acquired until that point and you have to truly savor it minutely and when that’s done, suddenly you’re going up the tracks to the next mountain. That’s how it happens. It does not mean that every experience that you have is going to be the same for everyone else, and neither could you ever promise that to them because many people cannot go where you have gone. Andrew Lloyd Weber perhaps unknowingly wrote a song for ‘Evita’ the musical and in the song he’s really describing where people are. The people that you think are confident around you who seem to have it all because people pretend in life.

They don’t want to admit that they’re hurting at all. We put on a facade to people and because we can’t be real to people then we don’t get anywhere in the changes that must be made. We allow those who seem to rule over those who are not quite sure and then you end up always in tyranny because psychopaths take over.”

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