Alan Watt on the Blending of Religions of the East and West in the New Age Movement

In an interview, Alan Watt was asked the following question:

“As you mentioned, before this manifestation of the New Age phenomena which various people have mentioned is just the old age ideology and philosophy and Eastern mysticism, you get so many people, I’ve been involved in it you know, where people are in different stages of waking up, and they get mired in much of the New Age phenomena, which says that we are living in a holographic reality that is not real. You know, things that you don’t have to worry about these manifestations with a global Elite. You know because we ought to take care of things quite easily. And those sorts of worrying things you try not to look at the negative. That’s the thing I’ve encountered which I’ve detached myself from. Now I was wondering if you could comment on this whole New Age phenomena in this so-called Truth Movement, connections to the term Aryan which was epitomized in a Nazi regime and how it connects to Hinduism, Buddhism in the Eastern Mystic tradition. I know this is quite a large question but I’ve probably could link things – how it’s manifested from the East through to the Nazi regime and into the modern New Age phenomenon.”

Alan Watt: “Yeah, there’s no doubt they chose the masonry themselves. Itself pre-masonry is basically formulated on Hinduism and Madame Blavatsky came out with a secret doctrine in the book ‘The Secret Doctrine‘, if you want to waste your money on it, and she was sent out to promote this, and to get females into the new female lodges. They are called side lodges, although they have no official credence and that’s from Albert Pike and Albert Mackay who are the official historians for Freemasonry. They say that there were no official credence, they simply use the females but they had to take them on board and Blavatsky said quite openly that her job was to blend the origins of the Eastern Hinduism with Christianity for the New Age and that was reiterated in the Scottish Rite journal called ‘The New Age’, the monthly journal back in the fifties and sixties. They said the same thing. They’d bring in this Hinduistic philosophy with Christianity and merge it to prepare the minds of millions to walk into the New Age. There’s no doubt that Hitler did use theosophy. There was his Himmler. There were real three offices of theosophers. They were total believers in it. Hess as well was a complete believer in theosophy. They all had this book and they believed that there were four previous ages of the Aryan race, and that at the end, this is from, that’s from the prime minister, books basically they believe that the recycles the world goes through into millions, billions of years and at the end of each time, those who are most advanced and developed or evolved – evolution is the word that was brought by Darwin, they come into the New Age, all the inferior types must be destroyed because they will cause havoc if they come into the New Age. That’s the philosophy this whole new world order is actually running on.”

Interviewer: “Yes, indeed. I did watch a documentary earlier. I don’t know if you have already heard of it, called ‘Gods of the New Age‘, a documentary on Hinduism and Hatha Yoga and very strange behaviour. I recommend anyone to watch that documentary to get a hold on this whole eastern mystic tradition.”

Alan Watt: “I’ve got the link there on my site.”

Interviewer: “Oh, I didn’t know, I didn’t notice that link. I encountered it somewhere else.”

Alan Watt: “I put it up there for people to go into and have a look at and see for themselves. They don’t realize that in India, the guru is actually a god. He’s classified as a god. And so they want to become gods and of course, Shirley Maclaine did it too with her books on her becoming a god, you known, and so on, and so on. But that’s the ultimate intent to it within this New Age Religion and it’s so amazing because when they had, they need a dentist, they have to go and run and get a better god than they are or a doctor, you know, a doctor, a god but they can’t cure themselves but they walk around and strut around believing they’ve achieved complete elimination. It’s quite amazing to see the folly of the ego and humanity.”

Interviewer: “One other quick question. I’ll leave it to other callers. When Blavatsky talked about this whole thing with the hidden masters, is it just rather a simple, prosaic explanation for this? Is that the hidden masters simply those who are not seen, who are running this world? Is this what she refers to?”

Alan Watt: “That’s partly what they believe. Now, that is true. You have those behind the scenes. Carol quickly touched on them. They are called technocrats. They are the ones behind the scenes with the real power that unelected people, like this Morris Strong and Kissinger and so on, but they also believe that they are being guided, and Morris Strong definitely believes this, he does all this meditation to these other hidden masters on the other side who have been before and are perfected in the spirit realm and channel to him. They really believe in this stuff. And of course what they believe by those who are on like Morris Strong, they were already perfected and it didn’t have to come back here. They only came back here to guide mankind. That’s what they say.”

Interviewer: “They came back by choice. They changed their own life for they reincarnated us.”

Alan Watt: “That’s right.”

Interviewer: “Like in Plato’s ‘The Republic’ it is really the whole myth. I guess it’s a similar sort of scenario with the belief that they can reincarnate as they wish.”

Alan Watt: “That’s correct.”

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