Alan Watt on how the Elite want to create a New Religion of a New Age in the New Age Movement

“Hi folks.  I’m Alan Watt and tonight I’m on as the main site, .net et cetera.  Today is April 5, 2007.

To start off, I’d like to talk a little bit about the environmental crisis, this phobia almost that’s been in the making for such an awful long time. Back in the days of Madame Blavatsky they prattled on in her group about the need to bring a form of Gaia-type worship to manage the people, because it was well understood and it still is, of course, that in every age religion has been the greatest tool for managing the minds of the people.  They knew that for a new age they’d have to create a new religion, which would be in keeping with the plans of this intellectual elite who decided they had the right to plan the world the way it should be, not the way it was but the way it should be. They eventually got in theosophy a charter as a Masonic institution, although it was a side order – they didn’t get all the secrets because they didn’t believe that women should get the secrets.  In fact, they’re very sexist really. 

They give side degrees because the truth of freemasonry is that ‘only man has spirit and is capable of receiving spirit.’  That’s the big secret you see.  Women, as Albert Pike said, a woman or ‘a wife could only reflect her husband’s glory,’ meaning she’s the moon – she’s the earth and the moon.  He’s the sun and the cosmos.  The moon reflects the light of the sun.

However, they needed to get a huge population of women to back their agenda and so they reintroduced all of the old religions, really, which they knew by their records and archives that women tend to be drawn towards and so they brought them channeling, which is nice and dramatic, ‘mediums’ they called them back then, with little messages like ‘your uncle who’s deceased has found your handkerchief.  It’s underneath the couch in the living room,’ and very important stuff like that, you know it’s going to change your life.  You notice that. It’s always very important stuff like that.

It’s true enough, a lot of women would like to go to fortune tellers and they used to look at crystal balls and look very mysterious, and for a little price you get a good spiel and it makes you feel better. However, when they bring it all together and create a religion to control you, it’s a different matter all together. They decided in the 1800’s that this intellectual elite should manage for the guardian class, that they would manage the world, because in freemasonry they say that they’ve “come to perfect that which was left imperfect,” which is basically everything but primarily man himself. This whole idea of being born free, even though we’re not, that meant a long time ago; you tend to think you’re born free, even though you’re made to do everything from then on, like go to school and all that kind of stuff and then you eventually have hormonal drives and so you get married and have children and your spouse, her genes and your genes mating together might just produce bad offspring.  That’s all that genetics is all about because genetics’ real purpose is to weed out all the problem people that make a burden on society.  Eugenics is a big part of it, always has been and still is, and that’s what genetics is all about, making a better working population to serve the elite as they think things should be you see.”


 “I thank the people for writing. I get so much mail generally with questions on history et cetera. Others who are in a panic mode ask what to do and I tell them first off don’t panic. This has been going on for your whole life. You just woke up to it now and that’s why you’re so scared. It takes time to understand that you’re not the first generation that’s been grown up in a matrix with a different reality than the one that exists. It’s a beautiful act. You’re born in the middle of a stage play and you don’t know what’s around you.  We have tremendously good actors at the top, but then they have all the money in the world to give us their propaganda.

Others such as Gary who wrote in today have asked if they can burn the blurbs to disc and pass them around.  Well, sure. Whatever I give out free you can copy and pass around and that’s how information travels and hopefully some day we’ll get something out of it, even if it takes some time, because the time is running out.  We’re well into the next phase because as I say the whole environmental movement really started in the late 1800’s and then the combination of a creation of a religion with New Age leaning towards Earth worship, which is the ultimate goal, all tied together with Mother Earth and the spirits of the Earth and the air and the trees and the animals; and it’s all very nice but it’s not for a purpose to help anything except those who control the world.  That’s the bottom line.  That’s the bottom line.

Gorbachev himself said in his own book, ‘Towards a New Civilization,‘ that WE are creating a new religion for the world. Now he’s in charge of one of the biggest environmentalist associations on the planet. He was given the ex-United States military base down in the States as his headquarters where he flies his green flag, the Knights of Lazarus.  He was the one that was promoted by Maggie Thatcher who got her wish of becoming, I don’t know if it was a Dane or a Countess, but she was given an equivalent to a Lord, maybe a Duchess, and given her red cape and her ermine fur so that she can attend the House of Lords. 

She was the one who introduced Gorbachev to the world on the world stage arm in arm. All the media joined in and suddenly forgot he was a Communist leader, the leader of the Soviet Union, head of the KGB at one time, who is now a champion of freedom for the wilderness and the green movement.  The Green Party itself, by the way, was started up by a predecessor I think of Madeline Albright who was a Communist leader in a Soviet country and a great friend of Stalin. That’s where it was first discussed.  Mind you, I’m sure it had already been approved in London a long, long time ago. 

That’s the real world we live in. Nothing is done by itself.  It’s all on cooperation with the higher societies that run this world with their bankers, their corporations and their new feudal system where everything – remember the term “feudal” was not used by chance by Carroll Quigley in ‘Tragedy & Hope,’ the book that he published promoting it all.  He thought it was wonderful that these guys who had steered the history of the world for the last few hundred years, it was time the world knew how wonderful these guys were and how they steered it; being a historian for the Council on Foreign Relations and The Royal Institute of International Affairs, he was all for it.  He thought the public would accept it and he probably was right. They would probably yawn and ask what the next movie was, but he said that this system that they’re bringing into view is a feudal type system with the corporations and the heads of corporations being one big club, one big sort of noble order, deciding the fate of whole populations and running their lives for them.

The word ‘fee’ comes from ‘few’ or ‘feu,’ which is ‘feudal.’  We will pay for everything and everything and everything as long as they keep a money system going, but it is to eventually metamorphize into a token system which they will dispense into everyone’s account once a week.  You’ll have the same amount as everyone else, at least in the lower quarters, and you can’t save it up.  It will be gone at midnight before it’s renewed the following morning. If you are disapproved of, if you’re politically incorrect, they’ll withhold your funding because you’ll still have to pay rent and buy food and so on, so it’s token but a set amount; and that was put down by Lord Bertrand Russell in his book, ‘Roads to Freedom’.  I love the doublespeak these psychopaths use to get everybody onboard and on track behind them.

A lot of planning, a lot of cooperation, a massive networking of people who all come from the same ivy-league schools, one of the main springs being Oxford, the other being Cambridge; they lead off this whole movement and then an association of high Masonic groups, which they all belong to, which are all one in reality.

When they talk about their brotherhood of man worldwide, they the elite know it’s for themselves because we’re not men.  We’re not men and maybe one day I’ll go into the decipherment of the Old Testament where it tells you that basically.  Everyone’s been conned and the people who are not men have been working fervently in good faith at the lower orders in these societies, never knowing what the real agenda was but believing they did, it was to bring fairness and justice to the world, as they filled their pockets and got their little scams going.”

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