According to former Indian diplomat Deepak Vohra, Justin Trudeau got high on cocaine and skipped the G-20 dinner

During a tv discussion, former Indian diplomat Deepak Vohra claimed that Justin Trudeau skipped the G-20 dinner in New Delhi because he got high on cocaine and thus, did not come out of his room for two days, leaving him unable to attend G20 programs. “According to Vohra, the alleged evidence was discovered by sniffer dogs on the plane that brought the Canadian PM to India.”

“He didn’t go to the president’s dinner. People say he was in a drug-induced stupor,” Mr. Vohra claimed while appearing on Zee News as a panelist on a show hosted by anchor Deepak Chaurasia.

However, Trudeau’s office has strongly denied the claim that his plane was ‘full of cocaine’ when he traveled to India for the G20 meeting this month. Trudeau’s office said that it is absolutely false, and it is troubling how disinformation can make its way into media reporting.

Excuse me but how would Trudeau’s office know for sure? After all, they weren’t with him in the room, no? He surely won’t be the first politician to be on drugs. I am sure there are others.

As a citizen, I always feel gravely concerned when I think of the drug trafficking that goes on on countries’ soil by politicians, and thus, if these allegations are true, I congratulate Mr. Vohra for exposing it and challenging this rogue foreign premier.

The world needs people who don’t sell out to cover up evil scandals, while political rogues must go!

I hope that the Canadian authorities investigate further into this.

Footage can be watched here and here.

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