Weather manipulation: Dr Nick Begich continues to explain how HAARP works

“This is an early shot of the array. There were I think 48 a day array at this time. It’s now 180 and eventually 360 will be in this array.

Last spring I flew over this for a programme that was being put together for the History channel and we were able to shoot some pretty good images of this for the History Channel. And I’ve done a lot of work on this in terms of television. Spiegel TV did some things here in Europe, BBC, Fuji TV, a bunch have covered it over the years. The 180 antennas is essentially here and again this will increase in size one more time and again, this will increase to 360 antenna.

This comes out of view graphs produced by Ben Eastland initially just to give some idea of what’s happening. We’ve got the Earth’s surface of course approximately 37 miles above begins the ionosphere extending out to approximately 620 miles and this is the region that we’re interested in as it relates to HAARP. And there’s a couple of ways that HAARP is utilised. One is these early devices which actually are called ionosphere heaters. They were originated in the former Soviet Union. They took a long time to reset, to vary the frequencies. The HAARP system can reset in, very rapidly. They have the ability to control it in a way that allows them to change frequency and change configuration pretty rapidly. It makes one of the most versatile if not the most versatile ionospheric heater on the planet. It’s not the only one. There are ionospheric heaters and they, in what is Russia today, Northern Canada in fact Rosalie Bertel did some work on the ones in Canada. There’s a system here in Europe – the easy kett system and then there is, China is actually developing their own. So these are kind of proliferating a little bit around.

This is the idea of focusing the energy starting graphically. This comes again from Bernard Eastlund view graphs. The array on the ground focusing into the ionosphere into a small area which is then heated. The idea is you can slew the beam, you can move this beam approximately 30 degrees so you can actually heat a fairly good area, approximately 30 miles in diameter and when you heat it, you can actually lift the ionosphere up several hundreds of kilometres and then the idea is that lower ionosphere moves in and we’ll talk about what that can be used for.

In fact, I’ll mention a couple of things now. One is, altering pressure systems below weather pressure systems which will kind of fits into the topic that is actually on the menu for the day. The other is the idea of maybe diverting jet streams of part of that concept of weather modification. And then the other and this came out of the Strategic Studies Institute in London, and it was from Russian research, the idea of utilzing these kinds of instruments for incoming objects from space: comets, asteroids and the like. Normally would have that 30 or 37 miles to create friction and burn up and most of these objects do. The idea is if you could project a trajectory of those incoming objects and then push the atmosphere even further, you give more time to break up those incoming objects.

The system wasn’t designed much for weather modification although you’ll see that in Dr Eastland’s original patents, he did work for the European Space Agency on weather modification utilizing HAARP instruments. He did work for NASA and FEMA on the same thing. And then his last paper he presented, I believe it was 2005 or 2006 at the University of Pennsylvania, which was on weather modification again, but he had determined that you could manipulate weather with 1600 times less energy than he’d originally anticipated, when he designed the system and he felt that you could do that by manipulating gravity waves with this particular system. And in terms of technically how to do that, I can’t tell you but if you look up Benny Sling and you look up that paper, it’s something that’s out there in the public domain. You can find it.

But again, he came in looking for a way for Arco to make some money on natural gas. We don’t have a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope of Alaska to Tidewater. We have trillions and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas on the North Slope. There’s a lot going on in Alaska right now to try and get that gas to market and if you look, seeing that we’re in the Netherlands, SHELL right now has got huge oil and gas rights in the Chukchi sea which is considered one of the biggest unexplored gas and oil fields. But again, no way to get it to market so the thought was if we could just use it out there and use it for defense purposes and perhaps they could sell an awful lot of gas. That’s why Ben was brought into the picture. And he created a company called Arco Power Technologies Inc which was later sold to Raytheon and interesting about that is that Raytheon was one of the original bidders on building the HAARP system. And they lost the contract. They didn’t get that contract. Now Raytheon at the time was in the top of 40 of the Fortune 500 companies and Arco Power Technologies had no track record, had 30 employees. What they did have is they had a cluster of nine patents and when you have intellectual property you become essentially the only source for certain technologies within the procurement process, then you have the advantage, and you’re going to get the contract. Raytheon then bought Arco Power Technologies out so they ended up with those technologies. They then sold that subsidiary to British Aerospace and at the same time that that happened, the project moved from the United States Air Force and Navy over to DARPA and DARPA does the most classified research for various military branches and for the various security agencies in the United States. So, they now control HAARP in terms of its advances and its projects.

Lots of academics are given the opportunity to utilize the instrument. This is considered a developmental prototype so it’s you know, being used for lots of purposes experimentally. Some of them are pretty good ideas you know and it’s like the ultimate instrument. In fact, the early developers considered it an opportunity to work with their plasma lab in the sky which makes them less nervous when you think about experimental work going on when you’re literally coupling with a part of the natural environment with the idea that somehow you’re going to be able to manipulate the energy within that area.”

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