The wildfires in Lahaina, Maui – questions this site poses to the readers – part two

In a latest footage released, there might be signs of what might have triggered the wildfire in beautiful and historical Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii. Watch the below footage at around the 0.19 mark and ask yourselves what do you see:

Was this an attack on innocent civilians? Was this the result of direct-energy weapons?

What is DEW or direct-energy weapons?

Quoting: “Energy weapons is an umbrella term for a variety of different weapon systems that are powered by technology that weaponizes both real-world and science-fiction physical laws (often a combination of both). Strictly speaking all weapons are energy weapons since some form of energy is needed to damage the target.”

Lasers, microwaves, particle beams etc are examples of such direct energy weapon. DEW use concentrated electromagnetic energy to combat enemy forces and assets. These weapons include high energy lasers and other high power electromagnetics—such as millimeter wave and high power microwave weapons.”

This is no conspiracy theory. Direct-energy weapons is a technology which exists and has been deployed by countries. Back in 2017, in an article titled “A farewell to traditional arms: Russia develops weapons for the future” it was reported that weapons like radio-electric weapons which cripple the enemy’s equipment with concentrated and powerful energy bursts, hit aircraft control systems and unmanned aerial vehicles and neutalize precision guided munitions with powerful microwave pulses, have been successfully tested”. This was claimed by Russian developers who added that “in 2014, a Russian Su-24 temporarily disabled the USS Donald Cook with the weapon when the snooping American ship got too close to Russian shores in the Black Sea.”

In the same year, an article titled “How China is weaponizing outer space”, we are told that the United States and USSR had “started weaponizing space in the late 1950s and 1960s respectively” and then China followed suit.

“The weaponization of space includes placing weapons in outer space or on heavenly bodies as well as creating weapons that will transit outer space or simply travel from Earth to attack or destroy targets in space. Examples include the placing of orbital or suborbital satellites with the intention of attacking enemy satellites, using ground-based direct ascent missiles to attack space assets, jamming signals sent from enemy satellites, using lasers to incapacitate enemy satellites, plasma attacks, orbital ballistic missiles, and satellite attacks on Earth targets. These can be further classified into direct-energy and kinetic-energy weapons.”

“A 2015 report prepared by the U.S. Department of Defense suggests that China has invested in advanced space capabilities, with particular emphasis on “satellite communication (SATCOM), intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), satellite navigation (SATNAV), and meteorology, as well as manned, unmanned, and interplanetary space exploration.” The report claims that along with its civilian space program, China continues to develop a variety of capabilities designed to limit or prevent the use of space-based assets by adversaries during a crisis or conflict, including the ‘development of directed-energy weapons and satellite jammers.'”

It was on 16th September 2020 when at the Air Force Association’s Virtual Air, Space and Cyber Conference, Defense Secretary for the USA Dr. Mark Esper, announced that China and Russia have already weaponised satellites with DEW, claiming that “new technologies are fundamentally changing the character of war and the two Air Force services are leading that charge.”. In his speech, he stated: “Meanwhile, in space, Moscow and Beijing have turned a once peaceful arena into a war-fighting domain. They’ve weaponised space to kill our satellites, DEW, and more, in an effort to exploit our systems and chip away at a military advantage.”

In 2020, the Times of India reported that “DRDO plans Star Wars-style weapons for battles of future.” The media portal stated:

“The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is now planning a national programme on directed-energy weapons (DEW) like high-energy lasers and high-powered microwaves, which are increasingly considered crucial around the world for the contactless contacts of the future.”

“The national programme will have short, medium and long-term goals, with the eventual aim being to develop different DEW variants up to 100 kilowatt power, in collaboration with the domestic industry” and that the “DRDO has been working on several DEW projects for long, ranging from ‘chemical oxygen iodine’ and ‘high-power fibre’ lasers to a secretive Kali particle-beam weapon for ‘soft-kills’ against incoming missiles and aircrafts.”

If we go back to 2017 again, the UK Defense Journal delivered information about ‘Dragonfire’, the new LDEW (laser direct-energy weapon) being built for the UK Armed Forces. ‘Dragonfire’ has a beam director, which “brings together QineitQ’s powerful laser emitter, as well as electro-optics for target identification and tracking.” This was even displayed at UK Dragonfire’s stand, in the Naval Static Display Area of DSEI in September 2017. “According to the MoD, the programme will develop technologies for a high energy defensive laser weapon system in the 50kW class. The Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW) Capability Demonstrator’s prototype was delivered by 2019.

Then Defence Secretary Michael Fallon had said:

“A novel laser weapon could complement or replace existing weapons systems with the potential for significant benefits. It could be employed to protect our maritime and land forces; for example, ships from threat missiles or soldiers from enemy mortars.”

But we have two countries which have already utilised DEW on black and white. One is Iran, which in 2013, we read that its Executive Deputy Head of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base Gen. Shahrokh Shahram said “the Iranian army has achieved a deflection technology of Laser Weapon System (LAWS)” adding that “laser weapons can be easily diverted from target” and that the “Iranian army has the technology”. He also went on to note that Iran is able to manufacture laser cannons”, which means that Iran has reached “self-sufficiency in essential military hardware and defense systems”.

The other country is Turkey, which back in 2019, it was the first to officially deploy this technology in combat. In an article titled “Turkey’s laser gun passes acceptance tests”, we read that on 4th August 2019, a Turkish-made laser weapon mounted on the back of an armored car shot down a Chinese-made drone supplied by the United Arab Emirates to the Libyan National Army, as reported by the Belgian news site Army Recognition. Here, “the first use of directed-energy weapons in combat between military forces was claimed to have occurred in Libya, which claimed use the ALKA directed-energy weapon.”

After decades of research in the US, back in January 2015 defense contracts announced that these direct-energy systems are expected to come online in 2020, also announcing that they are ready to be deployed in the field. In 2019, the media portal Asgardia reported that the US Defense Department (DoD) is interested “in focusing on more powerful laser and directed-energy programs that can be tested and used both on aircraft and in space” through Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) weapons that “employ high-energy beams of subatomic particles that disable their target by breaking its atomic or molecular structure or by simply destroying it through overheating. Neutral particle beams have a straight flight path and are not affected by electromagnetic fields at all. Just like lasers, they consist of subatomic particles moving through space at near-light speed.”

At the 2019 Defense News Conference, the US Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Dr. Mike Griffin had stated that the US needs to “be in the hundreds of kilowatts realm” and they were prioritizing that.

For you to get an idea of how this technology looks like, have a look at this footage which happened in Chile on 26th May of this year:

What are the odds that, the wildfires in Maui, were a direct, targeted attack on innocent Hawaiians via direct-energy weapons? In another piece, we will analyse what might be the reasons, if this was the case.

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