The Occult Magic of the Cabala and Sorcery

Sorcery is commonplace in the depraved religious rituals of cabalistic Judaism. For example, in the following photo, which appeared in “Israel, A Photobiography,” by Micha Bar-Am, [New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998], you can see a Rabbi carrying a chicken off to be sacrificed in a voodoo/Santeria-type ritual during the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur.

Cabalist doctrines and teachings are based on an odd blending and mosaic of astrology, numerology, graphology, color magic, symbology, alchemy, pagan religion, and pure Luciferianism.

There are hand gestures and body language, talismanic jewelry and clothing, hidden codes, and so on. The end result is a muddled jumble of “man is God” theology, but this only applies to Jewish men. The gentiles are second-rate.

Cabalist doctrines and teachings are based on an odd blending and mosaic of astrology, numerology, graphology, color magic, symbology, alchemy, pagan religion, and pure Luciferianism.

There are hand gestures and body language, talismanic jewelry and clothing, hidden codes, and so on. The end result is a muddled jumble of “man is God” theology, but this only applies to Jewish men. The gentiles are second-rate.

Hand magical formulae, words of power, incantations, and spells are all available. ‘Magic cords’ of specific color are worn on the wrist as miracle-working bracelets; magic water is used to heal; magic symbols are objects of trance-like mediation; and mantra-like chants are repeated over and over.

The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are revered as religious deities endowed with great magical power. Even their shapes are studied and endowed with supernatural abilities. Angels, Archangels, Grimoires, Devas, and Elementals are both feared and worshiped. There are ‘gods’ and more ‘gods,’ but only one mysterious, hazy supreme deity at the center of it all. For them, the supreme deity is a patheistic god who fills the entire universe. He is, in fact, the macrocosm, the Universe. This is the same “Architect of the Universe” in Freemasonry.

As in all Illuminist magic, there is the insidious lie of ‘As above, so below,’ that black is white and vice versa; that good and evil are one, that the shadow and the substance are unitary. Please note that we have a local author who even wrote on his Facebook page, that Christ and Satan are the same. This is blasphemy, but now you can understand where this big influence is coming.

Here is ‘The Brotherhood of Light’ for you with the five pointed star and the sun, numbers, and the words Alchemy, Astrology and Tarot written. This ‘Church of Light’ is in Los Angeles and it had marketed the following:

Lessons on the 21 branches of Occult Science presented to assist the aspiring individual in the quest for Knowledge and the understanding of one’s physical, intellectual and spiritual nature. Correspondence study available since 1932.”

Because they come to you as portals of light to deceive you that light here has a positive connotation and is godly. Please note that even Satan is spiritual and comes from the spiritual world and that he is the master of deceit and lies. After all, Satan was, in the beginning, Lucifer, an angel in the highest and most important hierarchies of angels.

Sex magic is important in Cabalism, and sex ritual is a popular vocation among Cabala students. Margie Marin explains in her informed, unpublished manuscript for her upcoming book, The Molten Image, that witches’ and occultists’ tarot cards are of Jewish origin and correspond with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Finally, Cabalism is pure Illuminism because it teaches the secret doctrine that, eventually, the higher level adept learns: that the holy serpent is the true God; that all evil done by a person is magically transformed into righteousness through alchemy; and that, yes, Lucifer is Lord. Satan is the one and only true god. This is the fundamental doctrine of Cabalism, as well as the fundamental doctrine of Freemasonry, which is based on Cabalism in its rituals and practices.

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