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It was with this ominous gloom that Vatican Council II was begun in October of 1962. One can imagine, then, the sensation caused in October of 1963, when a German periodical, Neues Europa, published what it claimed was an “extract” of the Third Secret.
Here is a translation of that article, which appeared in the October 15th edition:
“In Neues Europa of October 1, 1963, we already announced to our readers the publication of the following inquiry. Louis Emrich was able to obtain information of the highest interest on the third part of the message of Fatima. We are able to give our readers the content of the third message of Fatima under the form — that is, an extract — in which it was presented to the diplomats of Washington, London and Moscow, — The Editor.
What Neues Europa had already forecast in 1956-1958, i.e., that during the years 1963-1965 the conclusion of accords of worldwide significance would be reached between the Anglo-Saxon countries on the one hand and the Soviet Union on the other, has become reality with the agreement of August 6, 1963, at Moscow on the cessation of all further atomic testing in the air, on land and under water. To date over 90 governments have signed this agreement.
What is not as well known, on the other hand, is the fact that the Moscow accord was not only a happy result of worldwide diplomacy, but also of Vatican diplomacy. In effect it was the first time in the recent history of humanity, that in the conclusion of a political agreement of worldwide significance, the participants took into account essential factors originating from religious data. Paul VI permitted not only Kennedy but also Khrushchev to look at certain parts of the third message of Fatima which the Mother of God had revealed on October 13, 1917, to the little Portuguese seer Lucy.
This message is so pressing that it even deeply impressed the circles of those persons who were employed in concluding the Vatican-Moscow accord:
‘I have done everything possible to procure for myself the original text of the third message of Fatima, but all my efforts remained futile. The Vatican has made all the arrangements for this document to remain a papal secret until a new order.
However, today I am in a position to communicate to readers of Neues Europa in all countries an extract of the content of the third Secret, in the form made available on inside information, in diplomatic circles of Washington, London and Moscow . . .’
This extract of the third message of Fatima was also passed on to President Kennedy, to Prime Minister MacMillan, and to Khrushchev, so as to let them study it personally. This text played a great role during the signing of the Anglo-American-Russian accord at Moscow. The leaders of the two world political blocs were all shaken by its contents, just as were Pope Pius XII, John XXIII, and Paul VI. According to rumors emanating from diplomatic circles, the conclusion of the accord banning all further testing of atomic bombs was in great part the consequence of the profound impression left by the extract of the third message of Fatima on the competent diplomatic circles of Washington, London and Moscow. Although this document is not the original text of the message of Fatima such as it was revealed on October 13, 1917, by the Mother of God to the little seer Lucia, essential points of the original are nevertheless found there. It says:
“It was the thirteenth of October, 1917. On that day the Holy Virgin appeared for the last time to the little visionaries, Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia, at the end of a series of six apparitions in all. After the manifestation of the miracle of the sun at Fatima, the Mother of God revealed a special secret message to Lucia, in which she particularly stated:
‘Do not worry, dear child. It is I, the Mother of God, speaking to you and asking you to proclaim in My name the following message to the whole world. In doing so, you will meet strong opposition. Be firm in your Faith, however, and you will triumph over all opposition. Listen and remember well what I am about to tell you:
‘Men must become converted. They must implore pardon for the sins they have committed and for those they will commit again in the future. You have requested a sign by which all men would understand My utterances given to Humanity through you. This miracle—you have seen it this very moment. It was the great miracle of the sun! All have seen it—believers and unbelievers, peasants and townsmen, scholars and journalists, laymen and priests. And now, proclaim in My name:
‘A great punishment will come over the entire human race, not yet today, nor tomorrow, but in the second half of the 20th Century. What I have already made known at La Salette through the children Melanie and Maximin, I repeat today to you. Humanity has not changed as God expected it to. It has sinned and trampled underfoot the gift it had received. There is no order anywhere. Satan rules even in the highest positions and determines the directions of things. He will succeed in worming his way even into the highest summits of the Church. He will succeed in seducing the minds of great scholars who invent armaments with which half of humanity can be destroyed in seconds. He will have the mighty among the peoples under his sway and will induce them to turn out mass productions of arms. If Humanity does not amend itself, I will be forced to let go the arm of My Son. If the mighty of the earth and of the Church do not oppose this, I, Myself will do it and I will ask God, My Father, to allow to come over men the punishment of His justice. Then it will be that God will punish men more harshly than He did by the Flood, and the mighty and the powerful shall perish along with the humble and the weak.’
‘But this will also be a time of great trials for the Church. Cardinals will be against Cardinals. Bishops will oppose Bishops. Satan will walk in their ranks. In Rome, there will be great changes. What is rotten will fall and what will fall will never rise again. Darkness will envelope the Church and the world will be thrown into a panic.
‘The great, great war will come in the second half of the 20th Century. Fire and smoke will come down from the sky and the waters of oceans will turn into vapor; their form will explode towards the sky and everything that stands will collapse. Millions and more millions of men will perish from hour to hour and those who survive will envy those who have perished. Around and everywhere, there will be anguish, misery all over the earth and ruins in every country. Look, time is getting shorter and shorter, the chasm is getting wider and there is no way out; the just will perish with the evil ones, the mighty with the humble, the princes of the Church with the faithful, the sovereigns of the world with their people; everywhere death will rule in triumph, through the fault of mad men and the partisans of Satan, who then shall alone rule the world.
‘It will be a time no king nor emperor nor Cardinal nor Bishop will expect, but which, nevertheless, will come to punish and avenge, according to the design of My Father. Later, however, when those who survive this are still alive, God and His Glory will again be proclaimed; God will again be served as in the old days when the world was not so corrupt. I call upon all the true disciples of My Son, Jesus Christ, all the true Christians and the apostles of the latter days! The time of times shall come and the end of ends, if Humanity is not converted and if this conversion does not come from the top, from those who lead the world and the Church. But woe, woe to Humanity if it is not converted; if this conversion is not forthcoming and if everything remains as it is now or gets worse. Go, My child, and proclaim it. For I will always be at your side and I will assist you.’
I add once more that this is not the text of the original message such as the Mother of God revealed it on October 13, 1917, to the little seer Lucy, now a Carmelite, but an extract of the third message of Fatima such as is circulating this moment in diplomatic circles. I am assured that the authentic text of the message is even harsher and more overwhelming than the extract related above. However, it is not inevitable in its conclusions, because it places the conversion of humanity before its perdition. How will humanity decide? This question, before just as after, remains open. — Louis Emrich.
In 1981 Louis Emrich’s widow, in an interview with Professor Hans Bender, revealed that her husband had conferred ‘for a very long time’ with ‘a priest from Rome’ before writing the 1963 article. Rome never issued any official denial of Emrich’s text, which he reprinted in 1970.”