Questions that this site raises about the past murder of Dr Carmel Chircop

Carmel Chircop was a lawyer and former legal advisor to the Malta Maritime Authority, who had set up his own law firm, Chircop Advocates back in 2008. This was later merged in 2013 into Dingli and Dingli. Dr Carmel Chircop had also set up Quorum Corporate Services, offering accounting services, while he was also listed as a director at government’s investment arm, MIMCOL.

It was in 2013 when Dr Chircop had received a death threat, for which we were told that an investigation was carried out by the police. Was Dr Chircop protected? Did the investigation lead to some arrests?

And yet, Dr Chircop was murdered two years later, on 8th October 2015, in a garage complex in John Borg Street in Birkirkara after he was shot at least four times – two head shots, two body shots. This also happened in the morning like that of Joe Baldacchino and Raymond Agius ‘il-Maksar’. Undoubtedly, this was another cold-blooded, mafia-style murder.

“From footage gleaned from three CCTV cameras in the neighbourhood, a ‘light-coloured’ vehicle was seen driving away from the crime scene, but the make of the car is not known.”

And then we got a dramatic twist six years later, in 2021 when Vince Muscat il-Koħħu changed his plea and admitted guilt to the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder case, for which he was granted fifteen years of jail, even though he was one of the three men accused of executing her assassination in October 2017. The dramatic twist lied in the fact that il-Koħħu’s admission “set in motion a chain of events, including the arrests of Żebbuġ brothers Adrian and Robert Agius, known as Tal-Maksar, and their associate Jamie Vella” while he was also given  “a presidential pardon to tell all on the murder of lawyer Carmel Chircop.”

What is of interest in this murder is that we always have the same loop with the same names coming up. It happened that Dr Chircop had loaned the sum of €750,000 to Ryan Schembri, who coincidentally is the cousin of the former OPM chief of staff, Keith Schembri. Together with Schembri, there were two more business partners who are Etienne Cassar and Adrian Agius, ‘il-Maksar’. All those “people were connected to the More Supermarkets, where millions are said to have been lost after director and owner Ryan Schembri fled the island in September 2014, soon after he transferred his supermarket business to another restaurateur, Darren Casha.

The Malta Independent had revealed how Dr Chircop held 157 positions across 117 different companies. Complicating investigations further was the fact that his co-directors hailed from 12 different countries.”

What did Daphne say about the pattern of drug dealers being described as ‘businessmen’ while diesel smugglers are described as ‘restaurateur’? Here we have another ‘restaurateur’ mentioned, Darren Casha.

Now we all know it was back in December 2017, Adrian Agius was one of the men arrested in connection with the heinous murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and later released on police bail!

There is more about this intricate story which one can read on MaltaToday’s article by journalist Matthew Vella.

Isn’t it strange that we always have the same names coming up? Here we have again Vince Muscat il-Koħħu who has been testifying about various crimes and mentioning people.

And when we connect the dots, we always go round in a loop with the same names who are also involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. In this case, we have Vince Muscat il-Koħħu and Adrian Agius.

The multi-million dollar question we need to ask is: why did our institutions, that is, the police and the courts, failed to protect citizens like Dr Chircop, who did receive threats, before he was murdered? We all know that they were always descibed as being ‘known to the police’. Is it possible that investigations never led to the police solving murders like those of Joe Baldacchino, Raymond Agius ‘il-Maksar’ and Renzo Borg?

We all know that the same Vince Muscat ‘il-Koħħu’ was granted bail back in November 2010 ‘for a botched hold-up on the jeweller Michael Mizzi”, who was represented by Dr David Gatt himself, when the latter was also acquitted from his trial himself! And then the same names ‘coincidentally’ come up later in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia! Vince Muscat ‘il-Koħħu’ was again involved in the murder of Daphne! The lawyer who represented him, David Gatt, is also being mentioned!

Another question that we need to ask is: how did Dr Chircop end up doing business with a criminal like Adrian Agius and Keith Schembri’s cousin and handing them loans? Criminal Adrian Agius had also been charged with possession of heroin, but not for personal use.

Do we have a circle of ‘business people’ doing all sorts of business with criminals, until something goes wrong which leads to the murder of some?

Do we have the usual protection between various members of institutions which is allowing obstruction of justice, with criminals roaming free in a society turned free for the criminals but not for the honest citizens?

Who is truly winning in this so-called ‘free society? Is it the law and regulation which make us equal or is it the usual regulation of the ‘circle’ which protects and gives advantage to the criminal activity going on in that ‘circle’?

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