On the Labour Government, Euro Pride Celebrations and Conchita Wurst!

We were informed that the Euro Pride Parade being held in Malta for the first time this year will cost some €2.5 million. Millions always flow for agendas. Yet the masses start drooling whenever the tooth fairy leaves a cheque of a few euros under their pillow. Needless to say, the tooth fairy will have guaranteed votes while being so happy that she has again succeeded in washing the brains of the same masses, which have forgotten how they are struggling to make ends meet, how one has to work hard to compete, where bills fly higher everyday while they receive lower pay, in a world where money has become the key to end all your woes, your highs, your lows, yours ups and your downs.

The Maltese masses forget that the government makes them pay for the water they drink, for the food they eat, for the wars that the Globalists need, and for the crimes that the Globalists commit, while making them dedicate the most important part of their lives to it, but then it gives them wages and tells them that such wages allow them to pay for their needs to make the government even richer. The government calls this freedom. Myles Munroe had stated that “Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities.” The Maltese nation is no longer a priority for the Labour government. The agendas are.

Then we get another surprise. The Labour government decided to bring forth Conchita Wurst, among other international singers, to entertain the masses during their Pride Show. Conchita, or ‘the bearded lady’ had won the Eurovision in 2014. Clearly, the agenda was already being slowly dripped in the people’s brains since then. Lovin Malta’s marketing is as follows:

“After stepping into the limelight and winning the Eurovision song contest, the artist Tom Neuwirth, who created the persona of Conchita Wurst, went on to perform at several pride parades and festivals – the bearded diva actively encourages support for the LGBTQ community. 

Besides focusing on his musical calling, Neuwirth often uses his media attention and popularity to support socio-political causes, even speaking at the European Parliament in Brussels.” When the European Parliament is pushing something, then you should start asking questions.

But the readers should also know that Conchita “was accused by conservative Europeans of subjecting their children to a ‘hotbed of sodomy'”:

“Prior to Wurst’s win, over 15,000 conservatives in Russia signed a petition requesting that the state broadcaster remove Eurovision from its TV schedule, accusing ‘European liberals’ of subjecting their children to a ‘hotbed of sodomy’. At the time, Reuters had also reported that a petition in Belarus was worded similarly. The All-Russian Parent Meeting Petition read ‘Austria will be represented in Eurovision 2014 by the transvestite contestant Conchita Wurst, who leads the lifestyle inapplicable for Russians.’

When Conchita, coincidentally, won, many voiced out their concern, even from the political arena:

A member of the Russia Orthodox Church, had suggested that “Wurst was an ‘abomination’, and added that the results of the song contest were ‘one more step in the rejection of the Christian identity of European culture'”.

Volkan Bozkir, the then chairman of Turkey’s foreign affairs committee had remarked “thank God we no longer participate in Eurovision”.[The leader of Poland’s opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, had said that “Very disquieting things are going on in Europe, things that show decadence, downturn and we would like to reverse this trend.” The spokesperson of the Law and Justice (PiS) party stated that “Conchita Wurst is (…) a symbol of Europe I don’t want. My Europe is based on Christian values.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Rogozin had tweeted that the result “showed supporters of  European integration their European future: a bearded girl.” Russia’s opposition politician, the ultra-nationalistVladimir Zhirinovsky, proclaimed “There’s no limit to our outrage. It’s the end of Europe”. The deputy leader of Russia’s opposition Communist Party, Valery Rashkin, had announced that “The last Eurovision results exhausted our patience… We cannot tolerate this endless madness”, calling for the foundation of an alternative, The Voice of Eurasia, in which Russia and its neighbouring allies could compete.

And yet, the Labour government, is bringing Conchita Wurst to the Maltese islands, while the masses wave their rainbow flag, feeling proud that they are cheering on a bearded lady, who mocks Christ, on an island which proclaims itself to be a Roman Catholic, by a government whose members, also proclaim so, albeit I have never heard any single one of them, asking Our Lord the Saviour Jesus Christ to bless the Maltese nation, neither in Parliament nor in any conference nor in any speech.

Clearly, the Labour Government has now endorsed the anti-Christian agenda.

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