At a senate hearing in Australia, Pfizer officials could not explain why covid vaccines cause myocarditis

In another question to Pfizer officials at a Senate hearing in Australia, Pfizere officials were told:

Senator Gerard Rennick: “According to the Pfizer non-clinical report, there was no carcinogenic tests, no immunotoxicity tests, no iteration studies, interaction studies with other medicines, no longitudinal studies, and I note that in regards to pregnancy, and lactation, that studies were conducted on rats. How can Pfizer say that the vaccine was unequivocally safe, without qualifying any risks around the vaccine?”

Pfizer official: “Senator I don’t have that report in front of me, so I’m afraid I can’t talk to that. What I can say is that that TGA is one of the world’s leading regulators.”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “Ok, I can take my word for that. I’m happy to table this document, okay? So, it clearly stated that number of tests were not conducted, okay? And given that those tests weren’t conducted and I accept it was a short time frame, I accept we had a short time frame, but that doesn’t remove the risk that certain risks were not analysed, and you never highlighted those risks when the vaccine was rolled out.”

Pfizer official: “Senator, I disagree with that statement. I think there was a very careful assessment of the benefits and use the therapeutic goods administration is very thorough and very competent authority perfectly able to reach a decision based on data which it produced.”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “Okay, so, initially when the vaccine was rolled out, myocarditis and pericarditis wasn’t a recognised side-effect. Does Pfizer understand why the vaccine causes myocardits and pericarditis. And if not, how can it then guarantee that it’s not also injuring other organs? And can you explain the process why the vaccine causes myocardits and pericarditis?”

Pfizer official: “Based on our clinical trial, and pharmacovigilance data as well as real world evidence, following the distribution now of billions of doses of vaccine, we retain confidence, strong confidence in the safety profile of the vaccine.”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “Sorry, Chair, sorry point of order. I’ve asked do you understand why it causes myocarditis? I want you to explain to me why it causes myocarditis? Do you understand why it causes myocarditis?”

Pfizer official: “Pfizer is aware of very rare reports of myocarditis and pericarditis that have been temporarily associated with vaccination.”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “However, that’s still ongoing for some people.”

Pfizer official: “Well, Senator, Dr Thru should answer thequestion.”

Dr Thru: “According to public health experts and regulatory authorities around the globe, the number of reports of myocarditis remains small..”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “I’m not referring to the number of reports. I want you to explain to me the mechanism of how the vaccine causes myocarditis, or do you not understand the mechanism of why the vaccine causes myocarditis? It looks to me like you don’t. And if you don’t understand it, why you are saying the vaccine is safe without qualifying the risks?”

Chairman: “Senator Rennick, I think Dr Thru is actually about to get to that point. Whether people agree, whether there’s agreement to his evidence or not is another question for others to make a judgment on. But Dr Thru, if you could, again go to to Senator Rennick’s question.”

Pfizer official: “Senator, all medicines, all therapeutic products and vaccines have benefits and have side-effects as well. Looking at the totality of the evidence for Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, regulatory authorities, health authorities, experts globally including in Australia within the Department of Health and the TGA, have maintained that the benefit-risk-ratio.”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “That is not the question that I asked. I asked ‘Can you explain why the vaccine causes myocarditis?’ Yes or no?”

Pfizer official: “Em Senator the benefit-risk.”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “Yes or no? So, you clearly don’t understand the pathway, do you, because you can’t explain it? I’m not referring to the cost-benefit analysis here. I’m referring to do you understand the biochemical pathway as to why the vaccine causes damage to the heart?”

Pfizer official: “Senator, I am happy to take your question on notice and come back to the committee with whatever information we can provide. I might just clarify, I was not referring to a cost-benefit analysis in my previous response. I was referring to the benefit-risk-ratio and health authorities around the globe continue to recommend the benefits..”

Senator Gerard Rennick: “And this isn’t the question that I’m asking.”

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