Are the Drug Cartels blooming in Marsalforn, Gozo?

According to information that has reached this site, the situation in the beautiful town along the rocky coastline of Marsalforn, has become unbearable, and unsafe.

The town which was one of the most popular tourist resorts in Gozo, has been turned into a hub for drugs by drug cartels.

Now this is no new news. If we just do an online search, we read that back in April of 2020, a 33-year-old Libyan national was arrested after cannabis grass and cocaine were found in his apartment during a search by the police.

A year before, in July of 2019, we read that 35-year-old Jean Pierre Mamo of Zebbug, Gozo, was found guilty of trafficking cocaine from an apartment in Marsalforn and being “in aggravated possession of the same drug.” The police had found 42 grams of cannabis and more than 10grams of cocaine in a padlocked room.

“Apart from the drugs, the Police had also recovered items related to drug possession and trafficking, as well as a number of messages on Mamo’s mobile phone which indicated he had been trafficking the drug and had been purchasing it for trafficking.  It also emerged that Mamo had not indicated to the Police authorities his supplier of drugs for onward sale.”

Marsalforn is not the only place in our beautiful sister island to be plagued with drugs. In May 2022, a 43-year-old man from Victoria was arrested during a police operation by the Anti-Drug Squad when several bags of substances suspected to be cocaine and cannabis were found on a Nadur farm.

And recently, in April of this year, we read that a 32-year-old man was found to be carrying drugs at the Gozo Channel terminal and was in possession of cannabis and cocaine at his Gozo home.

“A search was carried out at the residence on his ID card, however, the police found another man living at the residence. The accused informed the police about another residence in Ta’ Kerċem where more drugs were found.

During the investigation, the police looked through the accused’s mobile phone and found messages which indicated he trafficked drugs.”

But, according to information that has reached this site, the situation at Marsalforn has become unbearable and unsafe. Drugs are sold in broad daylight both from apartments and on the street. This site was also informed that Marsalforn was taken over by foreign drug pushers who have moved to and reside in Marsalforn. The person who has reached this site also stated that drug users from Malta are visiting Marsalforn just to buy drugs, because they are sold at a cheaper price than in Malta. The drug mostly sold is cocaine.

The person added that with such a current situation, she is thinking of selling her long-time apartment and move to a safer place. She added that the last time a relative visited, he was almost attacked by an angry drug pusher with an iron rod, simply for blowing the horn, signalling him to move his wrongly parked car which was obstructing his, making it impossible for him to exit the parking space.

Clearly, our beautiful Gozo, and in this particular case, the once touristic town of Marsalforn, have been turned into another Columbia, with the blooming of drug cartels.

When are the local authorities and the government going to eradicate this plague which is destroying the lives and livelihoods of many, once and for all?

Or is it impossible because the Big Fish does not lie amongst those caught, but it operates quietly behind closed walls of beautiful ‘palaces’ pertaining to those so-called rulers put by the masses in heavenly realms?

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