Whistleblowers expose the CIA involvement in supplying children to the Elite Pedophiles

For years, whistleblowers at the highest level have been stepping forward with testimonies about child trafficking for the Elite.

It was back in 2017 when CIA agent John Kiriakou turned into a whistleblower and said “We supply elite pedophiles with children.”

“CIA agent John Kiriakou has blown the whistle to reveal how they provide children to elites A decorated 14-year veteran CIA agent has blown the whistle and made a public statement to expose the Central Intelligence Agency for operating a child trafficking ring that procures children for global elite pedophiles. Former spy John Kiriakou, who also has deep ties to Hollywood from working as an advisor to the movie business, has revealed how the agency provides child sex slaves to powerful oligarchs in the entertainment industry, Washington D.C. and beyond. Kiriakou says that they have “sources” installed in the upper echelons of society, politics and the movie business. In return for information, the CIA provides these elite sources with a steady stream of “child prostitutes” who are usually raped and killed, and most likely never seen again.”

Ted Gunderson, the twenty-seven-year retired FBI veteran, and former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in charge, had also shared compelling evidence into the CIA’s involvement in Satanic ritual abuse, drug trafficking, and the international kidnapping, trafficking and murder of countless children worldwide.

“After retiring from the FBI, Ted Gunderson  set up a private investigation firm, “Ted L. Gunderson and Associates,” in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government. Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011). This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many names remain redacted to protect the guilty.”

Police whistleblower John Wedger had also made some disclosures regarding child sex abuse via a number of YouTube videos taken at public events including the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. At the start of a particular clip, “there is also a mention of the involvement of the investigations of the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission). A request for information was thus sent to the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) by the same ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into human trafficking and child sex abuse. The request was refused by the MPS. The request talks of three issues. The first is that related to child prostitution and the death of a young girl, whereby a senior officer may have committed a criminal offence of misconduct in public office by suppressing an intelligence report and intimidating Mr Wedger. According to the report submitted by Mr Wedger, a known prostitute is claimed to be “involved in recruiting children for prostitution” and who “was connected with high ranking senior officers, a Magistrate and someone in an executive position at the BBC.” The second concerned sex offenders who avoided registration by living on canal boats. Mr Wedger stated that he was provided “with 2 names via the prison service and was tasked to find more within a set period of time and apparently located 90 sex offenders.” The third was that “one of the senior officers complained of” was believed “to have been promoted to a Chief Constable in charge of a different police force.” The investigation which was being conducted by Mr Wedger was apparently shut down due to funding issues.

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