The voting against a public enquiry for Jean Paul Sofia shows that Malta has become a one-party state

I did not expect anything different and better when the results of the votes of the Labour Empire for a public enquiry were known.

The scenes I witnessed took me back to Cuba when the Partido Comunista de Cuba seized power and became its sole ruling party after the 1959 Cuban Revolution, making Cuba become an authoritarian one-party state.

Malta has become a state where it is being ruled by one-party with hardly, if any, opposition at all, albeit at least, the Blues this time joined forces and voted in favour of a public enquiry. On the other hand, my heart is truly saddened, because I come from a family with Labourite roots. Yet, the socialist, labour government has long been dead and has long rotted in its grave. I am deeply saddened and disappointed of what the Labour party has become. It is unrecognisable. It does not give a hoot about the poor, and the workers, let alone those workers who died on their place of work because of negligence due to greed and power.

And this was the case of Jean Paul Sofia who was at the wrong place in the wrong time when he was asked by his employer to go to the building site in Kordin on the day of the collapse. Another five were injured on the day, with three suffering severe injuries, as was reported by The Times.

Malta has witnessed a rise of deaths on construction sites, because the construction industry is in full speed in its destruction of its mediterranean heart. Other innocents also lost lives, like Miriam Pace, whose daughter, Ivana, I taught for two years. Yet nothing changes. And candles keep on being extinguished.

Shame on you! You have sold the Maltese islands to the god of money because your love of money is greater than the love towards the Maltese nation, and Isabelle Bonnici and her late son, Jean Paul Sofia, form part of this nation. Shame on you, because the love of money is the root of all evil! Shame on you, because you are forbidding a public enquiry! Who are you protecting and why? Do we have another criminal network involved, where, coincidentally, the politikanti happen to know more than they should know because they are deeply involved? Or do we have another construction guru turned god by the politikanti, because of bribery through lobbying? Or is there any close friendship with the Labour army? Or is the Imperium involved in allocating the site without the necessary procedures with some loop holes in between?

Who must be held accountable? To whom was the land given? Were those involved vetted before the land was given? Were the developers competent and responsable with the necessary, needed skills? Who was overseeing all the works? Who was the project manager? Who was the architect? Who were the builders? What material was used? And this is not about playing the usual trick of having the usual building with the stairs seeing to it. Enough of this one-scale stage as it is not taking us anywhere it seems. Just finding who is to blame is not enough. Which family is next?

Shame on you! How saddened I was to watch it all. How saddened I was to watch the father of the late Jean Paul, carrying a photo of his son, stopping in front of your rich, spotless cars, telling you “Ħa torqod illejla? Seba’ xhur ilni ma norqod jien. Tgħajjarni, tagħmilli pjacir. Jien mitt seba’ xhur ilu.”

One thing I tell you: you might not have to face justice in this world, albeit the chaos is already haunting you, but when you face the Creator, you have to because when we are all put in the graves, we take nothing with us, except our deeds in this world turned godless by vanity, pride and arrogance.

My respect goes towards the mother of the late Jean Paul Sofia, Isabelle Bonnici, for taking it against the mob. I pretty well know how it feels, albeit the context was different. You have my back.

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