“Now, let’s talk about Russia. Why Russia? Why is Russia the object of the consecration? Well, we’ve already briefly explained her errors. But at this time when Our Lady appeared there was also a masonic revolution in Russia affected by lodges at St Petersburg. Again this happened in 1917, the very year Our Lady appeared foretelling that she would ask for the consecration of Russia. And then in 1929, she came to say that the time has come for the consecration. Why then? Why in 1929? Well, many point out that Stalin at that time had made the Russian Orthodox sect, an arm of the atheistic state in order to better influence their brand of ecumenism which in their view is to put all religions on the same level, thereby subverting the true religion of Jesus Christ.
And the Russian Orthodox sect joined the World Council of Churches in and they do hold leadership positions in the WCC. This is a masonic organization. This is a synchretist organization that is seeking unification of religions. The World Council of Churches is even currently pressuring Catholic Bishops to have ecumenical celebrations of the mass with non-Catholics. Again, the error of indifferentism which leads to a practical atheism.
So God is using Russia as an instrument of chastisement materially through the violence and the butchering of millions under the evil leaders of Russia but also spiritually by allowing her errors to spread throughout the world. And it was because of the Russian orthodox presence at the ecumenical council, the second ecumenical council that John the XXIII and Paul VI, did not condemn communism. Many also say that it’s for fear of not offending the Russian orthodox that the popes have yet to consecrate Russia. Although I think that the problem is even deeper than that. I think it’s because of the crisis of faith in the church. I think that the secret may indicate that there are going to be a string of popes who simply don’t believe in the message of Fatima. This goes beyond fear of human respect.
And so, the point is on a spiritual level, Russia continues to carry out the masonic plan of the Alta Vendita for a one world religion where man is exalted, and God is denied and this is why Russia must be consecrated. You know St Paul says in the last times that the antichrist will put an idol in the temple of God, and one must wonder whether an ecumenical celebration of the mass where non-Catholics say the words of consecration will give rise to this idolatry since no transubstantiation is going to be affected. Could this be the abomination of desolation that was prophesied by Daniel and our Lord? We saw ecumenists paving the way for such ecumenical celebrations of false religions at the Fatima shrine.
In summary, the third secret may contain information regarding the masonic origin of the apostasy in the church. And if masons were controlling the church, they would be bound to suppress the third secret. Why? Because it would alert the faithful to the crisis that they caused and the means by which they caused it. It would point the finger directly at them. And since their goal is the complete destruction of the Catholic Church, they won’t be allowed the evil forces of masonry are pressing for it to remain suppressed.
Of course, since we know that the church can never be destroyed based on our Lord’s promises, this will never happen. The secret will be revealed in the consecration.
So, the point here is that masonry is relevant to Fatima, and it may be the very object of our Lady’s warnings in the third secret.”