A Digital Covid-19 certificate has now been launched by the WHO in collaboration with the European Commission

Back in July last year I have warned how the the European Union is working to remove online anonymity by requiring everyone to have a digital identity.

The European Union is working to remove online anonymity by requiring everyone to have a digital identity. (simonmercieca.com)
I also wrote how “Through T-Systems a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom the WHO wants to ‘assist’ its 194 members countries in implementing digital vaccination certificates QR codes.”

Through T-Systems a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom the WHO wants to ‘assist’ its 194 members countries in implementing digital vaccination certificates QR codes. (simonmercieca.com)

Then in September I have warned the nation that while the EU is pushing for the implementation of a new digital cross border payment system combined with its Digital ID and currency Greece had launched a digital wallet for its citizens.


I have written various other blogs last year about this Digital ID Digital Currency the QR codes that are currently blooming everywhere and other related matters in the quest for a cashless society. All this was backed up by the G20 leaders the UN and the WEF as I have shown you in the whole series. And I have also asked why “considering what is brewing abroad can Dr Fearne clarify why is the local vaccine certificate still being declared as valid?”

Considering what is brewing abroad can Dr Fearne clarify why is the local vaccine certificate still being declared as valid? (simonmercieca.com)
Now it happened that last week the European Commission and the WHO have launched landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security.

This month [June 2023] WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.

“Building on the EU’s highly successful digital certification network WHO aims to offer all WHO Member States access to an open-source digital health tool which is based on the principles of equity innovation transparency and data protection and privacy ” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO Director-General. “New digital health products in development aim to help people everywhere receive quality health services quickly and more effectively”.

Based on the EU Global Health Strategyand WHO Global strategy on digital health the initiative follows the 30 November 2022 agreement between Commissioner Kyriakides and Dr Tedros to enhance strategic cooperation on global health issues. This further bolsters a robust multilateral system with WHO at its core powered by a strong EU.

“This partnership is an important step for the digital action plan of the EU Global Health Strategy. By using European best practices we contribute to digital health standards and interoperability globally—to the benefit of those most in need. It is also a powerful example of how alignment between the EU and the WHO can deliver better health for all in the EU and across the world. As the directing and coordinating authority on international health work there is no better partner than the WHO to advance the work we started at the EU and further develop global digital health solutions ” said Stella Kyriakides Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.

“With 80 countries and territories connected to the EU Digital COVID-19 Certificate the EU has set a global standard. The EU certificate has not only been an important tool in our fight against the pandemic but has also facilitated international travel and tourism. I am pleased that the WHO will build on the privacy-preserving principles and cutting-edge technology of the EU certificate to create a global tool against future pandemics ” added Thierry Breton Commissioner for Internal Market.

This means that a global WHO system is building on an EU legacy. This means that we have the first building block of the global WHO system becoming operational this month which will be developed in the coming months. This means that you cannot travel unless you have this digital certificate. This means that if you have to travel and you don’t have this digital certificate then you will be obliged to vaccinate yourself and have this certificate.

This means that your Covid-19 certificates will be turned digital. This means that you can say goodbye to the freedom to travel unless you abide to their own terms and conditions under the new regime of communist control.

Can you see what happens when you give them that inch?


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