Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacks the Conservative Party at his address of the Liberal Convention

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has addressed delegates at the Liberal Party of Canada’s national convention in Ottawa as he recently celebrated ten years as a Liberal Party leader. In this liberal convention he reserved harsh criticism and resorted to attacking the Conservative Party. Trudeau says that as liberals their vision is to lay a solid foundation for Canadians so that they can be empowered to build up their dreams. This is what he said from the 10:55 mark to the 16:00 mark:

“We’re making sure that everyone benefits. And companies but also leaders on the world stage are noticing. When Prime Minister Kishida of Japan visited Canada he said that he looks to what we’re doing to build an economy that leaves no one behind. When we hosted Chancellor Scholz of Germany he talked at length about our values of compassion and diversity. They know that we have the democratic values that make us really reliable. We have great resources and even greater workers. But what ties this all together what makes Canada really valuable is we treat people with the respect and dignity they deserve. We care about equality. We care about reconciliation. We care about justice. It has never been more clear that everything is interwoven.

But again conservative politicians just don’t get that. They don’t connect the dots. They either say investing in Canadians is a waste of money or that our polices are too woke. Too woke? Hey Pierre Poilievre it’s time for you to wake up. Wake up! Wake up to the fact that a gender balanced cabinet is a good thing and that women fully participating in the workforce is a good thing not something to snub when it gets a shout out from the President of the United States in our House of Commons.

Wake up to the fact that under our government fewer persons with disabilities are facing poverty and in fact Canada’s poverty rate has been cut in half since 2015. Wake up to the fact that more moms are building careers because we’ve made childcare more affordable. And by the way when we see that women’s participation in the economy has reached an all-time high let me tell you something. Ten dollar a day childcare is not woke policy. It’s economic policy.

Now we all know that some of our opponents will try to clip some of my words out of context tomorrow to make it sound as if we think that everything is just fine. But this is not what I’m saying. Too many Canadians are struggling. I just spent weeks speaking with thousands of Canadians in town halls across the country. Now their questions are pretty far removed from the ones I hear from conservative politicians in the House of Commons. Canadians want to talk about child care and dental care. They want to talk about building a cleaner future building a better future because we’re a nation of builders.“

At the 18 minute mark he states: “You see we want to build things up while Pierre Poilievre and his brokenness conservative party wants to tear things down. We want to provide dental care for familes. He says no. We’re bringing an EV battery gigafactory plant to Canadaand creating thousands of jobs. He says no. We put a price on pollutionwhile giving money back to families. He says no. We want to protect and promote our two official languages. He says no and he wants to shut down CBC Radio Canada.“

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