Clara Farrugia is interviewing the Head Grandmaster of the local Masonic Cult on her programme “T13ttax”

The 13th episode of the programme “T13ttax” presented by Clara Farrugia will be giving us an interview with according to the programme the head or the Grandmaster of the Free Masonry in Malta.

In the promotional video Clara says “Aħna qegħdin fil-post fejn jiltaqgħu l-mażuni u int il-Gran Mastru l-Kbir tal-Mażunerija f’Malta. Politiċi maġistrati imħallfin pulizija individwi f’kariga għolja fis-soċjetà jistgħu jkunu fil-mażunerija?” [We are in the hub where Freemasons meet and you are the Big Grand Master of Freemasonry in Malta. Can politicians magistrates judges police individuals in high positions in society be in freemasonry?]

I think it is worth to watch this coming Thursday 20th April at 21.00 on TVM. The question that needs to be asked is how were contacts made and what network was used?—clara-farrugia?fbclid=IwAR0hQdbYGT4RLsF27MIPAjFqVq6LL0CQTHbOTdaDHLHVlZUulTK4b17WmWs

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