While Adam Rich fully vaccinated is dead at 54 the unvaccinated he called “assholes” are still alive.

Adam Rich who had starred as the youngest son in the famous series which ran from 1977 to 1981 “Eight is Enough” as Nicholas Bradford has been reported dead at the age of 54.

According to a family member… Adam died at his home in the Los Angeles area. The family member refused to reveal the cause of death but a law enforcement source told TMZ that someone went to his house and discovered him dead. According to the law enforcement source there was no foul play.[1]

In his tweets Rich had proclaimed that he trusts the science that he is pro Covid-19 vaccines proclaimed that he is vaccinated and encouraged others to get vaccinated:

He also blamed the variants on the unvaccinated whom he called “assholes” whom he pictured dead under tombstones engraved with statements that the unvaccinated were stating in their quest to keep on refusing the deadly Covid-19 vaccines because their health comes first:

Mocking the unvaccinated is never a good idea. While Adam Rich fully vaccinated is dead the imaginary people under those tombstones are still alive.


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