Two years of persecution for the non-vaccinated (2).

2nd December 2021: “Germany announces severe restrictions on unvaccinated people and vote on compulsory jabs”.[1]

4th December 2021: “Canadian province allows grocery stores to ban unvaccinated.”[2]

7th December 2021: “SET PFIZER TO THE RAIN – Adele bans unvaccinated fans from attending upcoming concerts.”[3]

9th December 2021: “It’s time to punish Britain’s five million vaccine refuseniks: They put us all at risk of more restrictions says Andrew Neil. So why shouldn’t we curb some of their freedoms?”[4]

14th December 2021: “What to do about the anti-vaxxers – there are three options.”[5]

14th December 2021: “British media says ‘hardcore vaccine refuseniks’ are ‘terrorists’ that need to be ‘deradicalized’”.[6]

14th December 2021: “Anne McElvoy: The unvaccinated have become a lethal liability we can ill-afford.”[7]

15th December 2021: “Kroger adds monthly surcharge for unvaccinated workers cuts their Covid-19 sick leave”.[8]

22nd December 2021: “People who refuse to get Covid vaccine are ‘idiots’ Tony Blair says.”[9]

22nd December 2021: “Diane Francis: Make the unvaccinated pay for their own health care.”[10]

25th December 2021: “Door-to-door teams armed with Covid jabs will be sent to the homes of unvaccinated Britons in plans being considered by Ministers to reach the estimated five million people yet to be inoculated.”[11] Boris was only good at sending goon squads.

3rd January 2022: “Starbucks readies its workforce for Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate.”[12]

5th January 2022: “Macron’s vow to ‘piss off’ the unvaccinated sparks outrage”.[13]

7th January 2022: “Are hospital workers running out of sympathy for unvaccinated Covid patients?”[14]

9th January 2022: “Mandatory vaccinations coming to Canada say health minister Jean-Yves Duclos”.[15]

10th January 2022: “Column: Mocking anti-vaxxers’ Covid deaths is ghoulish yes – but may be necessary.”[16]

12th January 2022: “Quebec to impose ‘significant’ financial penalty against people who refuse to get vaccinated.”[17]

13th January 2022: “Democrats OK with fines prison and mandates for vaccine deniers: Poll.”[18]

15th January 2022: “The unvaccinated cherish their freedom to harm others. How can we ever forgive them?”[19]

16th January 2022: “America’s military should be used to oppress the unvaxxed says leading Utah newspaper.”[20]

18th January 2022: “Supermarket BANS all unvaccinated Aussies from shopping for groceries – despite it counting as an essential service.”[21]

31st January 2022: “T-Mobile to terminate corporate employees who aren’t vaccinated by April – memo.”[22]

9th February 2022: German Health Minister Lauterbach stated “In Germany it’s not enough just to get on the nerves of the unvaccinated you have to do more” in an AFP interview while urging for the swift introduction of compulsory vaccinations in the general population:

10th February 2022: “Organ Transplantation: Unvaccinated need not apply”.[23]

27th April 2022: “More than 2500 teachers may be sacked or stood down today as Dan Andrews’ Covid booster mandate kicks in across Victorian schools.”[24]

18th September 2022: “NYC fires 850 teachers and teaching aides after they failed to get Covid vaccine by Sept 5 deadline – bringing total to 1 950 terminated by department of education since vaccine mandate took effect.”[25]

Not being vaccinated is another term for being conservative intelligent and not being willing to participate in the genocidal games. It means we have experienced the greatest psyop in the history of mankind and we did not bow to it. We were right from the start as the below testimony shows:

[3]Adele bans unvaccinated fans from attending upcoming concerts | The Sun
[4]It’s time to punish Britain’s five million vaccine refuseniks says ANDREW NEIL | Daily Mail Online
[7]The unvaccinated have become a lethal liability we can ill-afford | Evening Standard
[10]Diane Francis: Make the unvaccinated pay for their own health care | Financial Post
[14]Are hospital workers running out of sympathy for unvaccinated COVID patients? : NPR
[15]Mandatory vaccinations coming to Canada say health minister Jean-Yves Duclos | Cold Lake Sun
[16]Column: Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish yes — but may be necessary (
[18]Democrats OK with fines prison and mandates for vaccine deniers: Poll | Washington Examiner
[19]The unvaccinated cherish their freedom to harm others. How can we ever forgive them? | The Star
[25]NYC fires another 850 teachers and teaching aides after they failed to get COVID vaccine by Sept 5 | Daily Mail Online

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