A Decade of Pandemics and Outbreaks – part 1.

The minute Covid-19 was put on the exit roadmap the media started reporting loads of outbreaks in various countries.

First they started with hepatitis then it was monkeypox and then it was polio. On the 8th of July 2021 Changing Americareported that at least seven American states have reported mosquitoes carrying diseases that can paralyse humans. According to new reports mosquitos carrying West Nile Virushave been found in at least six states with humans contracting the disease in four of them.[1]Strangely and “coincidentally” this happened after the British company Oxitec which is also funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had released in the same year over 100 000 genetically modified mosquitoes[2]from the Florida Keys in order according to it to “stop the spread of Dengue Zika Malariaetc.” This start-up “has already released millions of modified insects around the world including in Brazil and the Cayman Islands.”[3]

In March 2022 a woman in the UK was diagnosed with Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever after travelling to Central Asia. According to the expertise of the WHO this is transmitted by ticks and livestock animals and is highly difficult to treat.[4]Later in July The Sun reported that this fever which makes people’ eyes bleed has reached Spain after a man was hospitalized with it.[5]

In June 2022 NBC Newsreported that health officials have recommended: “that men in Florida who have sex with other men get a meningococcal vaccine following one of the worst outbreaks among gay and bisexual men in U.S. history of a bacteria that causes meningitis.”[6]With seven deaths registered in Florida the CDC described this as the worst outbreak of meningococcal disease among gay and bisexual men in US history[7]and thus recommended that gay and bisexual men traveling to Florida should ask their health care provider about getting the vaccine.

In the same month North Korea said that it was dealing with an unidentified intestinal illness outbreakand thus the country’s leader Kim Jong-un ordered quarantine measures to be implemented and sent medicine to Haeju City to assist such patients suffering from this “acute enteric epidemic” which experts believed to be either typhoid or cholera in untested Covid-19 patients.[8]Or vaccinated Covid-19 patients?

In July 2022 two people are believed to have died from the extremely deadly Marburg Virusin Ghana as officials geared up for a potential outbreak. These people did not know each other and thus there was the fear that this disease will spread more widely. According to the Daily Mail this Marburg virus is the world’s deadliest disease in Africa. Initial tests marked positive for such a virus and the samples were analysed by the same WHO.[9]
Also in July “a germ that causes a rare and sometimes deadly disease — long thought to be confined to tropical climates — has been found in soil and water in the continental United States.”[10]

In August it was reported that there are growing fears that the next pandemic might be the Bird Flu or Avian Flu. According to experts as the virus spreads in animals it will infect humans thus causing a human outbreak of Avian flu “on the horizon“. This could be spreading in Britain’s chicken coups and duck ponds. First we had the Covid bat and now it is the chickens which experts believe will cause a global crisis deadlier than Covid[11].  Prior to that in June Profs Mark Woolhous an infectious disease epidemiology professor warned that Britain could be hit by a new killer disease at any time as there are signs of a “major” outbreak “on the horizon” which he called ‘Disease X’.  ‘Disease X’ is a term used by the WHO for the threat of unknown viruses that can be transmitted to humans and potentially cause widespread epidemics.[12]

In the same month according to a report in The Taipei Times China discovered a potentially fatal new virus also known as the Langya Henipavirus that is thought to have been transmitted to humans by shrews.[13]


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