The Media admits that an Athlete died while vaccinated.

The media has been covering up Covid-19 vaccines injuries and deaths since the start. It would be quite a moment for the media which claims to be independent to tell the public it itself encouraged to take the vaccine that now the vaccine might damage them or kill them.

Back in January 2022 the Mirror published the article “Anti-vax Olympic champion dies from Covid aged 51 after finally agreeing to take jab.”[1]The article talks about the Hungarian Olympic gold winner Szilveszter Csollany 51 who passed away from Covid after at first refusing to receive the shot. The article describes this gymnast as an anti-vaxxer and according to this media what led to his death was the fact that his body had not yet produced enough antibodies for complete protection when he was injected just before becoming unwell. It adds that he took the vaccine in order to maintain his job as a gymnastics teacher.

The media added and I quote:

“Reports say Csollany’s doctor revealed he took the Dutch Janssen COVID-19 vaccine – which requires just one dose. Csollany contracted Covid late last year and became seriously ill before being placed on a ventilator for several weeks.”

The media is still ignoring the elephant in the room going round in circles and coming up with ridiculous reasons as to what is causing the post vaccine roll-out deaths.

The dissection of this article would be as follows:

Isn’t the media here admitting that this athlete died while vaccinated? How stupid for the media to say that this athlete died because even though he was vaccinated his body did not produce enough antibodies to protect him against Covid! The media failed to give the exact date when Csollany took the shot and when he was hospitalized. It also failed to give the ailments that Csollany was hospitalized for.

Secondly so when is the body protected exactly? Because considering that some needed the second dose and then even the booster in a span of a year it clearly shows that one is never protected! Haven’t we heard already that the vaccines do not give 100% protection and that this protection wanes over time!

Thirdly the media states that Csollany died on the ventilator. So Csollany’s death was vaccine-induced with the deadly ventilator giving him the last push.

Fourthly if we had to follow this media’s reasoning and logic it is saying that one can be vaccinated get Covid get hospitalized and die. It sounds like the opposite of what governments had stated and if this is the case then everyone can die of Covid whether they are vaccinated or not. It does not sound an encouraging scenario for the vaccinated.

Lastly Csollany took the vaccine in order to continue doing his job as a gymnast coach. This means that Csollany was coerced to take the vaccine and he was another victim of the “no jab no job” mandate.


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