Can the governments explain how come books about Omicron were published within days of its discovery?

The confusion that we have about the Omicron variant is unbelievable but true. On December 9th, The Times of Malta wrote that although Omicron is spreading in Africa, the data suggest that it is less severe[1]. WHO also said that hospitalisations in Africa still remained low.[2] So why is there all this unnecessary chaos about it, with newly imposed restrictions, the reintroduction of the mask mandate, and the cancellation of certain festivities?[3]

Even the EU watchdog said that the symptoms of Omicron are “mostly mild.”[4] At the same time, WHO warned that rich countries might again start hoarding vaccines because of this new variant[5][6]:

The EU medicines watchdog said Thursday the Omicron variant of Covid-19 may cause milder disease, as the World Health Organization warned against a re-run of vaccine hoarding by rich nations as the new strain spreads.”[7]

We were also told that Omicron’s symptoms are mild or that it is a symptomless variant. But suddenly, this variant turned into a killer, so much so that 7 Omicron deaths have been reported in the UK[8]! So, is this Omicron symptomless, mild or deadly? Can they decide? They are truly insulting our intelligence!

I would also like to remind the public that according to Vox, a study showed that the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccines are the most effective against Omicron as they grant 33% protection against infection from Omicron.[9] Pfizer also reported “that while the two-dose course of its vaccine showed diminished protection against Omicron, a booster dose of its vaccine ramped it back up”, only to then later have its CEO saying that Covid-19 vaccines will not be enough to withstand the Omicron variant: “We must be aware that even triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the disease… It is obvious we are far from 95 percent effectiveness that we obtained against the initial virus”.[10] Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel said that the Omicron variant is more likely to resist the current existing Covid-19 vaccines.[11]  

And while we are at it, since Omicron is a new variant to the new age scientific demigod, can the governments explain how come Omicron books were published within days of its discovery? This must be science at a speed of light! These books, which can all be found on Amazon are:

1.“Omicron Covid-19 Variant” by Dr. Pamela Watkins;

2.“Omicron according to Nostradamus: Original Decoding you must not miss” by Shihyun Wang;

3.“New COVID-19 Variant Omicron: The emergence of deadliest vaccine-resistant covid variant, the death of billion-dollar vaccine investment and in-depth information about the new strain of coronavirus” by Dr. Walter Karl;

4.“The New Omicron Variant of Covid-19: Everything you need to know – Symptoms and Health Safety Tips Against The Omicron Variant” by Matthew Adams;

5. “The new Covid Variant Omicron: Will Vaccines Still Work” by Peter Adam;

6. “Omicron Covid-19 Variant: All You need to know” by Dr. Liam Bruce;

7. “All You Need To Know About The Omicron Covid Variant: In-depth Information About the New Omicron Coronavirus Disease Variant”; “The Omicron Covid Variant Healing Guide: Available, Safe and Effective Omicron Covid-19 treatments” and “The Omicron Covid Variant Prevention Guide: Learn How You Can Protect Yourself and Your Family from the new deadliest virus”  by Dr. Lora Lewis;

8. ”Understanding Omicron Covid-19 Variant:  A Complete Guide for Coping with the New Variant” by Dr. Fred Rangnick;

11. “Omicron Variant Guidebook: All You Need to Know About The New Covid-19 Omicron Variant, Other Variants & Its Effects” – by Dr. J Phaala

12. “The Uncertainties of the Omicron Variants:  What you need to know about the new kind of Covid-19 strain” by Dr. Sharon Bellweather & Dr. Tedros Abraham’

13. “Omicron-Variation of Concern: New Variant Analysis and How U.S. President Biden is planning to tackle the fast spread” by Dr. Robert W. Zim;

14. “Omicron variant Origin and Safety Tips: All you need to know about the New Strain Covid-19 in countries of South Africa and San Francisco” by Dr. Sheriff Salah;

15. DELTA & OMICRON VARIANTS: knowledge and precautions for you and your family by Dr. Sarah Alexis;

16. “The Apocalyptic Variant: An Apocalyptic Covid Variant worse than delta and lambda could be on the way” by Mark Williams.

Quite a long list, isn’t it? Considering that this new variant has been with us for only a month!

In my opinion, the bottom line is – these books were already in the pipeline and were just amended to the next Covid19 variant. In the meantime, the public was being coerced to take the booster or any vaccine that was coming out. Those who did not consent were coerced. Else they risked losing some of their liberties.

I have kept the same thoughts and observations which I have had since dad was hospitalised. Covid19 and its variants are being used by politicians and the medical world as part of a predictive programming game to bring about the Great Reset. In other words, health has become a political tool that politicians are using to diminish our freedom.












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